TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
20280 The Effects of Gloss and Viewing Flare on Colour Appearance Tony Johnson and Julian Brarnmer 2002 View
20302 An Improved Method for the Routine Measurement of Ink Colorimetrics T. C. Claypole and P. Townsend 2002 View
20324 Consistent Inkjet Proofing with a Quality Management System Stefan Livens, Rudi Bartels, Marc Mahy, and Dirk Vansteenkiste 2002 View
20147 Stable Hybrid Screening with Enhanced Dot Growth Control in Highlights and Shadows Rudi Bartels, Dirk Vansteenkiste 2002 View
20160 Automatic Design of Halftone Dots Nobuaki Usui 2002 View
20174 Offset Blankets, Print Quality, and Sheet Movement John Lind, Greg Radencic 2002 View
20198 Parametric Study of the Flow in Printing and Coating Nips: The Influence of non-Newtonian Fluids M. F. J. Bohan, I. J. Fox, D. T. Gethin and T. C. Claypole 2002 View
20216 Thermal Transients on a Web Offset Press T. C. Claypole, D. C. Bould and Gethin, D.T 2002 View
20231 An Investigation on Print Color Difference for Major Digital Presses in Taiwan Dr. Yung-Cheng Hsieh, Li-Wen Chen, and Li-Hua Kung 2002 View
20040 Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): For Small Printers Jason Manosh, Charles R. Gehrnan 2002 View
20053 Digital Object Identifiers Norman Paskin 2002 View
20075 Phase Change Inks for Rotogravure Alexandra Pekarovicova, Jan Pekarovic , Margaret Joyce, Viera Khunova 2002 View
20090 Evaluation of Ink Transfer Theory Seppo Sarela, Esko Harkonen, Hannu Paulapuro 2002 View
20109 Photopolymer Plate Characterisation (Improves the Predictability Consistency and Repeatability of the Printing Process) David Galton MSc 2002 View
20128 Ultra-Thin Layers for use with Direct Imaging Thermal Ablative Plates Eugene Langlais 2002 View
10671 An Investigation into the Relationship between Contrast and Resolution of a Printing System using the RIT Contrast Resolution Test Target Eliot Harper, E.M. Granger, and Franz Sigg 2001 View
10685 Measurement of Dot Area Sébastien Arnaud 2001 View
20001 How the Product Influences Productivity in Newspaper Printing - Summarising Key Figures from a Pre-study Phase of a Larger Project Lena Halonen, M.Sc. and Johan Stenberg, Ph.D. 2002 View
20021 Certified PDF A Smart Digital Master David van Driessche 2002 View
20033 Improving Metallic Ink Printing through Polarized Densitometry Jorg Mannig, Ray Verderber 2002 View
10591 A New Concept for Managing and Distributing Real Time Content in Newspaper Products Jonas Rehn and Christopher Rosenqvist 2001 View
10600 Extending IFRAtrack for use in General Media Production Björn Hedin and Fredrik Fällström 2001 View
10617 Optimisation of the News Process in Different Publishing Channels - A Case Study at Göteborgs-Posten Kristina Sabelström Möller and Stig Nordqvist 2001 View
10636 Dynamic Pre-Loading of Newspaper Bundles Jonas Rehn and Johan Stenberg 2001 View
10649 Optical Character Recognition and Its Use in Various Forms of Information Retrieval William J. Ray 2001 View
10655 A System for Selling and Planning Zoned Inserting Asta Bäck and Sari Vainikainen 2001 View
10526 A Novel Lithographic Surface for Use with Thermal Ablative CtP Eugene Langlais 2001 View
10554 How Papermakers Can Appreciate the Evolution of Digital Printing on the Field of Offset Quality Paul Piette, Christophe Tréhoult, and Véronique Morin 2001 View
10564 Print Standards - Putting the Jigsaw Together (or: Why eCommerce Needs Densitometry Standards) Martin Bailey 2001 View
10573 Device Independent Digital Reprographics Joseph S. Czyszczewski and James T. Smith 2001 View