Naomi Berber Memorial Award

Jules Van Sant
The 2018 Naomi Berber Award Honoree

Why Nominate Someone?

Recognize a woman who has displayed outstanding dedication to the industry. Berber Award recipients join over thirty years of outstanding women from the graphic communications industry, such as Janet Green, Laura Lawton-Forsyth, Diane Romano, Laura Gale, and Betty Maul. An engraved plaque is presented to the recipient to commemorate her accomplishments.

Eligibility Requirements

  • A candidate must have worked in the graphic communications industry for ten years or more.
  • A candidate must have an outstanding record of accomplishments that demonstrate her unusual contribution toward the development of the graphic communications industry; such contributions could be in the form of extraordinary leadership, direction, and/or support of programs or projects that have furthered the interests of the industry.
  • A candidate's activities must have extended over a period of time, and her contribution should not be confined to a single project, development, or program.

More consideration will be given to candidates with significant volunteer work in the graphic communications field or whose accomplishments have been outside of their job description. Previous winners are not eligible for a second award. Candidates do not have to be PRINTING United Alliance members.

How to Nominate Someone

  • Using the eligibility requirements as a guideline, provide a detailed description of the candidate's major contributions and/or significant accomplishments. Descriptions should be no longer than three pages.
  • Complete the nomination form or provide complete contact information for the candidate and nominator (full name, title, organization, full address, phone, fax, and email address).
  • Additional supporting information, such as letters of support, a formal biographical description, or a resume for the candidate are not required but are welcomed.
  • Submit all required and supplemental material to:

June Crespo
PRINTING United Alliance
2000 Corporate Drive
Suite 205
Wexford, PA 15090
Email: jcrespo [at]
Fax: 412-741-2311

History of the Award

Established in 1976 by the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation's Society of Fellows, now Printing Industries of America's Ben Franklin Society, this award honors the distinguished 45-year career of Naomi Berber, GATF's first administrative director (1925-1970).

Naomi Berber (1905-1973) began her career in New York as executive secretary to the president of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, predecessor to GATF. In 1965, when GATF brought its education, research, and administrative offices under one roof in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ms. Berber moved to Pittsburgh to continue her work with the Foundation. Ms. Berber was known by her colleagues as the "First Lady of the Foundation," and was the first woman elected to the Society of Fellows.

Past Recipients of the Berber Award

2019          June Crespo

2018          Jules Van Sant

2017          Janet Green

2016          Julie McFarland

2015          Dr. Twyla Cummings

2014          Laura Lawton-Forsyth

2013          Bonnie Blake

2012          Regina Testa

2011          Cheryl Kahanec

2010          Wilma Grant

2009          Marcia Bonsell

2008          Ara Izquierdo

2007          Daneise Archer

2006          Betty A. Maul

2005          Susan L. Kelly

2004          Barbara Pellow

2003          Jean Bourges

2002          No Award Given

2001          Lynn Harper

2000          Marion Mathison

1999          Laura Gale

1998          Susan Klutnick

1997          Sue Baylin

1996          Helene H. Hahn

1995          Patrice M. Dunn

1994          Diane Romano

1993          Susan Kinney

1992          Melene C. Follert

1991          Flora W. Perskie

1990          Melissa Previdi

1989          Constance U. Greaser

1988          Rose V. Warshauer

1987          Judith Booth

1986          Mary Pat David

1985          Raydean C. Duncan

1984          Sister Paula Cordero

1983          No Award Given

1982          Genevieve Bolger

1981          Shirlee I. Scoma

1980          R. Joyce Kline

1979          Betty Jane Hart

1978          Margaret Earle

1977          Jacqueline Fetsko

1976          Madeline M. Kaufman

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