Powering the Economy through Print and Packaging

Print Powers America is an advocacy initiative of PRINTING United Alliance, leveraging an impactful mix of lobbying, grassroots action, and public affairs. It aims to strengthen the nation's public policy commitment to the print and graphic communications industry and enhance its profile as a driving force in the American economy.

Supporters of Print Powers America are committed to promoting print's economic impact, highlighting environmental stewardship, and showcasing industry innovation. Most importantly, they are passionate about the dynamic world of today's print industry and its ever-evolving future. They know that decisions made in Washington, D.C. impact their bottom line and the trajectory of the entire industry. That's why Print Powers America supporters come together annually to consolidate resources to amplify the industry's voice on Capitol Hill.

Print Powers efforts to date have proven results. We have:

  • Preserved the advertising tax deduction.
  • Helped secure tax relief for businesses large and small, including lower rates for S-Corps, estate tax exemptions for family-owned printers, and the ability to fully expense equipment.
  • Exempted the printing industry from onerous federal regulations, such as Consumer Product Safety Commission requirements for printed children's books and toys.
  • Blocked efforts to flip delivery default methods from paper to electronic in the financial services, pharmaceutical and government information sectors.

Many more challenges lie ahead. We aim to:

  • Derail Congressional attempts to restrict advertising for specific industries.
  • Support modernizing the U.S. Postal Service while maintaining a postal rate system that is affordable and predictable.
  • Protect print from harsh EPA, OSHA and National Labor Relations Board regulations.
  • Pass legislation to grow the industry's skilled workforce through vocational training and apprenticeships.
  • Preserve consumer choice and stem demand destruction by advocating policies that promote paper-based communications.
  • Serve as environmental stewards focused on efficiencies and recycling.
  • Promote print and packaging innovations that support the explosion of omni-channel marketing and e-commerce.

Together, We Can Power Print into the Future. Support Print Powers America Today.