Grassroots Action

Print Powers America harnesses both financial and grassroots resources to advocate effectively on behalf of the printing industry. In addition to adding your company to the growing list ofPrint Powers America supporters, there are three key grassroots actions you can take to amplify industry advocacy.

Industry Calls to Action

PIA uses a state-of-the-art Legislative Advocacy Center to educate printing companies on key issues and to facilitate communication to lawmakers in advance of major votes on Capitol Hill. The Legislative Advocacy Center is appropriate to share with employees, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders interested in legislation impacting the printing industry and its supply chain.

Congressional Facility Tour

Hosting U.S. Senators or U.S. Representatives on a tour of your facility is a rewarding experience for the entire company and a hugely important step in building a constituent relationship with your lawmakers. Just like in sales, it's critical to network with decision-makers in advance of an "ask" or before a crisis hits. Hosting a facility tour is not nearly as intimidating as it might sound. PIA provides each Print Powers America supporter a "Facility Tour in a Box" toolkit that provides all the pertinent information, tools, and tips your company needs to host a successful event.

Print & Packaging Legislative Summit

After starting a dialogue with lawmakers "back home," engage in next-level grassroots advocacy by joining industry peers from throughout the industry in Washington, DC for a Capitol Hill "Fly-In." This signature government affairs event brings printers, corrugated converters packagers, suppliers, and allied interests together for a powerful program of public policy and political education, issue advocacy, interaction with Members of Congress, and networking events on Capitol Hill. The highlight of the legislative summit are in-person industry lobbying meetings on Capitol Hill that allow you to take your company's story directly to decision-makers in Congress.

Highlights from the 2018 Print & Packaging Legislative Summit

Learn more about PIA's industry advocacy.