Robert F. Reed Technology Medal

Nominations are now open

The 2019 Reed Technology Medal nominations are currently open. All nomination materials must be received by December 16, 2019. The Reed Technology Medal recognizes an outstanding engineer, scientist, inventor, or researcher in the graphic communications industry. New this year, self-nominations will be accepted. 

History of the Award

Established in 1974, the Reed Technology Medal perpetuates the memory of Robert F. Reed (1890-1971), "Dean of Lithography," whose contributions to the understanding of lithographic processes and materials were perhaps the most significant and important made by any man of his time. Reed graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 1914 and worked as a research chemist with Ault and Wiberg Company and E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. In 1924, he joined LTF as the Foundation's first research director. He remained as senior research consultant with LTF after stepping down from the research directorship in 1945. He continued his work in graphic communications research and as an author of printing textbooks until his retirement in 1970.

Past recipients of the Reed Medal include Richard McKrell, John Crosfield, John MacPhee, Robert Bassemir, Harold Gegenheimer, and Michael Bruno.

Nominations are judged by a small committee of past Reed Medal recipients and representatives of Printing Industries of America's Ben Franklin Honor Society. The recipient will be presented with an engraved and die-struck bronze medal at the Annual Technical Association of the Graphic Arts (TAGA) Annual Technical Conference on March 15-18, in Oklahoma City, OK.

Eligibility Requirements

  • A candidate must be a technically or scientifically oriented person who has worked as an engineer or a scientist in the graphic communications industry for a period of ten years or more.
  • A candidate must have an outstanding record of technical and scientific accomplishments that measurably aided the scientific development of the graphic communications industry.
  • It is preferred that such activities be extended over a period of time and not be confined to one project or development.
  • Previous winners are not eligible for a second award. Candidates do not have to be PRINTING United Alliance members.

How to Nominate Someone

Please provide the following materials when submitting a nomination for the Reed Medal:

  • Resume (or similar documentation) that supplies the candidate's complete education and work experience. This document should cover the following where possible: 
    • Summary of candidates career (one paragraph) 
    • Employment history 
    • Academic qualifications 
    • Awards conferred on the candidate 
    • Membership of societies, associations, and committees. This should also include roles held with these.
    • Patents, publications, and journals overview (see details below)
  • Detailed descriptions of the candidate's major contributions and/or significant accomplishments (may be combined with resume). With the body of work that many nominees have, it is beneficial to select three to six of their major achievements to highlight for the judges. As a guide, a paragraph should be used to describe of each of the major achievements. This should include the impact of these on the industry and the nominee's involvement in the achievement. When this is part of a team, the individual accomplishments of the nominee should be highlighted.
  • Comprehensive list of the candidate's patents, books, journal articles, and other publications. Please provide the title, date, and other publishing information. This information needs to be as complete as possible. The list of the candidate's achievements should be separated into sections for each of the different areas addressed. If the work is peer reviewed, this should also be indicated where possible.
  • Contact information for nominee. This should include postal, telephone, mobile, and email.
  • Contact information for person submitting the nomination. This should include postal, telephone, mobile, and email.
  • Letters of support for the candidate are optional but welcomed.
  • Submit all required and supplemental materials to:

Jim Workman
PRINTING United Alliance
301 Brush Creek Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7529
Email: jworkman [at]
Fax: 412-259-1765

For more information, contact Jim Workman at jworkman [at]


Past Recipients of the Reed Medal

2018          No Award Given

2017          No Award Given

2016          HW Buck Crowley

2015          Steven J. Simske

2014          Dinesh Tyagi, PhD

2013          Dr. William J. Ray

2012          Dr. Danny C. Rich

2011          No Award Given

2010          Dr. Hadi Mahabadi

2009          Dr. Peter A. Crean

2008          Dan Gelbart

2007          Eugene L. Langlais II

2006          Charles Krouse

2005          Ghilad Dziesietnik

2004          No Award Given

2003          Benny Landa

2002          No Award Given

2001          Richard McKrell

2000          Gary G. Field

1999          John F. Crosfield

1998          Anthony Johnson

1997          Friedrich K. Dolezalek

1996          Brian M. Chapman

1995          Richard S. Fisch

1994          Philip Tobias

1993          Robert Downie

1992          Dr. William H. Banks

1991          Dr. Abraham B. Cohen

1990          Daniel J. Carlick

1989          Dr. William D. Schaeffer

1988          Dr. Louis Plambeck, Jr.

1987          Dr. William C. Walker

1986          John MacPhee

1985          George W. Jorgensen

1984          Robert W. Bassemir

1983          Frank M. Preucil

1982          Harold W. Gegenheimer

1981          Anson Hosley

1980          Dr.-Ing Rudolf Hell

1979          Clifford L. Jewett

1978          John A. C. Yule

1977          Albert R. Materazzi

1976          J. Thomas Morgan, Jr.

1975          No Award Given

1974          Michael Bruno
