Economic Reports

Our economic reports help members enhance growth, efficiency, and profitability through up-to-date industry information, articles, advisories, and statistics addressing important industry issues. These reports can occur monthly, bimonthly, annually, or every other year.

Flash Reports

Our Flash Reports focus on macro trends and developments outside the printing plant including the overall economy and the printing industry to help members plan for what is to come.

Management Alerts

Management Alerts focus on developments inside the printing plant, including key performance metrics, business strategies, and operations to improve member performance.

Print Market Atlas

The Print Market Atlas is an annual report that gives a state-by-state view of the printing industry in terms of shipments, employment, and establishments.

Economic Forecasts

Our Economic Forecasts provide members with an independent proprietary economic forecast over several months, years, and on occasion for the next ten years.

Additional Economic Reports

Additional economic reports utilize raw data analysis and statistics from the U.S. government and internal resources as well as special reports written in conjunction with our partners at Middle Tennessee State University.