Performance Ratios

The Center for Print Economics and Management, in conjunction with Profectus Inc., a business management consultancy specializing in the printing industry, have opened access to the new Performance Ratios program.

About Performance Ratios

The Performance Ratios is an online tool that compares your company's financial and operational performance to hundreds of printing and related graphic arts firms. Just enter your information in the easy-to-use online forms and the software will benchmark the performance of your company against other companies using over key financial and operational performance indicators.

In today's competitive environment, it's highly important for businesses to have real data concerning the health of the business. The Performance Ratios KPI's will help you understand if your company is on the right track for success--and if it's not, where to focus your attention.

The Performance Ratios allow you to take a close look at your business and answer key questions:

  • Are my expenses too high in relation to sales?
  • Is there too little or too much inventory in stock?
  • Can we meet our debts as they mature?
  • Should we increase our selling prices?
  • How can we increase our profits?

Click here to learn more about the Performance Ratios program.

The Performance Ratios Program

In addition to the look-under-the-hood financial details we have provided for 95 years, the Performance Ratios study provides an online, interactive version of our Ratios study.

The central features of the Performance Ratios include:

  • 24/7 secure interactive dashboard allows printers instant access to industry financial and operating averages as well as profit leader benchmarks.
  • Instant graphics provide easy-to-understand information. The quartile system allows for you to view where your company is compared to your peer group or to the industry financial and operating averages.
  • Shorter survey option--a 70 percent reduction in required submitted information. Now printers need only provide 31 line items to participate. To gain the most from the survey, peer groups are recommended to fill out the long version of the survey.
  • Focus on Key Performance Metrics to simplify management decisions.
  • Peer Group Report--allows printers the option to custom design which printers they would like to sync with.
  • Trend analysis between years--for those printers that have participated in the past
  • Legacy reports and database still available.

Access the 2017-2018 Ratios Reports.

Why should you participate?

Participate and receive your free report. If you are not a member, you can still participate in the survey. To become a member today and receive the results for free, contact membercentral [at] Don't miss out on this core member benefit!

Contact the Center for Print Economics and Management.

Program Partner