Economic Data Resources

Use these resources to help you understand the print market.

  • Consumer Price Index: General page and national overview measuring changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services also associated with most major "cost of living indexes"
  • Inflation Calculator: Calculate the Buying Program of dollars in different time periods in one easy step
  • Producer Price Index: General page and national overview that measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by U.S. producers for their output
  • Producer Price Index: For specific sectors/regions and/or products--including the printing industry and the paper industry
  • National Unemployment Rate: General page and national overview
  • Local and State Unemployment Rates
  • Gross Domestic Product: General page and national overview--Measures economic output for the U.S. on an aggregate level
  • Gross State Product: General page and national overview--Measures total economic output for the U.S. on a state by state level
  • Balance of Payments and International Trade: General page and national overview--Measures international movement of goods and services, as well as direct investment by product type and country of origin/destination
  • Import/Export Price Indexes: General page and national overview containing data on changes in the prices of nonmilitary goods and services traded between the U.S. and the rest of the world
  • Leading Economic Indicators: General page providing the most recent data on 14 leading economic indicators that anticipate the direction in which the economy is headed.
  • Selected Interest Rates: General page that provides historical data on a wide range of interest rates including: the federal funds rate, treasury bills, commercial paper, CDs and corporate bonds
  • Currency Exchange Rates: Expresses the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and other foreign currencies.
  • Currency Exchange Calculator: Converts values of certain currencies into different denominations using the most recently available exchange rates.