TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
329 Artificial Intelligence: Expert Systems and the Graphic Arts Industries J. Balbi 2000 View
349 Improving Metropolitan Newspaper Home Distribution Jonas Rehn, Johan Stenberg, Björn Hedin, and Fredrik Fällström 2000 View
365 Analyses of Dynamic Tools for Increasing Productivity, Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Six Graphic Arts and Media Companies Dorotea Slimani 2000 View
246 New Generation of Digital Quality Control Tools for Workflow with PDF Karl J. Heuberger 2000 View
256 Visual Tools for Calibration of Banding Artifacts Roy Allen 2000 View
257 Hard, Soft and Remote Proofing Marianne Klaman 2000 View
267 Event Driven Digital Publishing Workflows Alex Jonsson 2000 View
278 Automatic Tools for Multichannel Publishing Asta Bäck, Helene Juhola, Ville Ollikainen, and Jarno Tenni 2000 View
143 Digital Proofing with ICC CMS Robert Chung, C. Joel Chan, and Wilson Cheung 2000 View
160 An Investigation of Color Models' Performance between Monitor and Reflection Images Mei-Chun Lo, Ruey-Kuen Perng, and Yu Su 2000 View
177 End-to-End Analysis of Color Errors in a Soft-Proofing System Richard A. Holub 2000 View
198 Metrology Standards - An Update David C. Albrecht and Lawrence C. Steele 2000 View
209 Surrounding Color can Affect the Measured Color of a Sample David L. Spooner 2000 View
218 Color Shifts in Waterless Offset - Trapping or Dot Gain in Halftones? Jan-Erik P. Nordström and Alessandro Strano 2000 View
30 Development of Online Services under Time Critical Conditions Christopher Rosenqvist, Marko Turpeinen, and Timo Saari 2000 View
53 The Multimedia News Reporter: Technology and Work Processes Kristina Sabelström 2000 View
67 Web Metrics - Design Specifications of a Web-based System for Personalization with Bifurcation Erik Wallin and Christian Persson 2000 View
88 An Effective Colour Management Architecture for Graphic Arts Tony Johnson 2000 View
112 Classification of Colour Gamuts of Printing Processes Kurt Schläpfer 2000 View
130 Miscalibration of a Display - the Importance of Different Factors to Colour Reproduction I. Heikkilä, J. Sivonen, and H. Juhola 2000 View
990682 Spectral Reflectance Prediction of Ink Overprints by Kulbeka-Munk Turbid Media Theory Di-Yuan Tzeng and Roy S. Berns 1999 View
990698 Accountable Color in Network Applications Richard A. Holub 1999 View
990716 Water-Based Flexo Printability of Wheat Straw Top Liner for Boards Veronika Pekarovicova 1999 View
990728 Effects of Temperature Control on Gravure Packaging Inks Rodigo Sosa 1999 View
1 E-Commerce Panel James E. Harvey, Thomas Hardy, Robert Hu, Bill Lavelle, and Joseph Petrucci 2000 View
10 Panel: Value Added Networks (Transcribed) Bill Ray, Steven Wood, and John Teeter 2000 View
990623 Color Management Systems, A Panel Discussion Bob Chung 1999 View
990629 Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue E.M. Granger 1999 View
990645 Gamut Mapping for Pictorial Images Gustav J. Braun and Mark D. Fairchild 1999 View
990661 Graphic Arts Color Standards David Q. McDowell 1999 View