TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
980544 Data Fusion in Color Conduction Tino Celio and Giordano Facchinetti 1998 View
980557 Computer to Cylinder/Plate - The Next Generation. David M. Ruel 1998 View
980565 Standardization of Form Preparation with MDC/ArtCom Software for Gravure and Offset. Bob Balzan and Andreas Bentrup 1998 View
980574 Printing Ink Technology - Past, Present, Future Robert W. Bassemir 1998 View
980423 A Microcomputer-Based Ink Control System Using Infrared Detect Technology Ji-Charng Lee, Chien-Pen Chuang, Yu-cheng Liu, and M. James Shyu 1998 View
980439 The Ink Metering Process with Two Counterrotating Rollers - Simulation and Experiment. Martin Berg 1998 View
980451 Further Investigation into the Effect of Dampening Solution Hardness on Offset Lithography Bernard Pineaux, Alessandro Gandini, and Michael Has 1998 View
980467 The Performance of Spray Dampening Systems in Commercial Printing Applications John MacPhee, Ray Gauvin, and Birger Hansson 1998 View
980484 An Investigation into Ink Transfer in Rotogravure Printing M.F.J. Bohan, T.C. Claypole, and D.T. Gethin 1998 View
980495 Validating a Model-Based Ink Key Presetting System Chia-Lin (Charlie) Chu and Amit Sharma 1998 View
980335 Computer Simulation of Offset Printing : III. Effect of Ink Feed Mechanisms. Shem M. Chou and Ted Niemiro 1998 View
980371 Boundary Element Modelling of Printing and Coating Nips in a Sliding Contact. M.F.J. Bohan, T.C. Claypole, and D.T. Gethin 1998 View
980388 A New Digital Plate Tatiana G. Bitiurina 1998 View
980395 Thermostar: A New Thermal Litho Printing Plate Technology for CTP Recording J. Van hunsel, M.Van Damme, J. Vermeersch, A. Elsèºer, and D. Seeley 1998 View
980410 Double-Amplified Photoinitiator Systems for Computer to Plates. Toshiyuki Urano, Hideki Ito, Keiji Takahama, and Tsuguo Yamaoka 1998 View
980272 Electric-kinetical Measures on Offset Printing Plates Norbert Kuehn 1998 View
980280 A New Technology of Improved Image Quality and Stable Processing System for Laser Imaging Tetsuo Yoshida and Toshihide Ezoe 1998 View
980290 A Method for Determining Halftone Dot Area using a Calibrated Visual Reference David J. Romano 1998 View
980300 The Plate Side of Computer-to-Plate: Printability and Runnability. Phillip Hutton and John Lind 1998 View
980312 Computer to Plate Technologies - The Current Product Realities. H. Peter Herting and Richard M. Goodman 1998 View
980329 Presses - Past, Present, and Future. John MacPhee 1998 View
980195 ICC-based CMS & Its Color Matching Performance. Robert Y. Chung and Yoshinori Komori 1998 View
980206 A Colorimetric Investigation of Soft Proofing. Karl Williamson, 1998 View
980226 Some Colorimetric Properties included in the Color Characterization Data of Process Prints. Mitsuo Kaji, Yoshihiko Azuma, and Michitaka Nonaka 1998 View
980242 The Characterization Models for Multi-colored CMYKRGB Printing Process Mei-Chun Lo and Raymond Chiang 1998 View
980255 An Investigation on the Reduction of the Measurements for Quality Control in Four-Colour Newspaper Offset Printing Concerning Colour Deviation and Colour Variation Wolfgang Beier, Jƒrgen Gottlebe, and Beatrix Beckmann 1998 View
980109 Systems for the Production of Digitally Printed Short-Run and Tailored Advertising Helene Juhola, Asta Bèck, and Vesa Kautto 1998 View
980125 New High Speed Digital Press Platform using Electrocoagulation Printing Pierre Castegnier 1998 View
980138 Hard Edge Solution for Digital Proofing Lucien Xu, Patrick Thomas, and Bruce Brier 1998 View
980145 Specification for Prepress Digital Data Exchange Prof. Dr. K. Schlèpfer and Erwin Widmer 1998 View