Standardization of Form Preparation with MDC/ArtCom Software for Gravure and Offset.


Document ID: 
Bob Balzan and Andreas Bentrup


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


Workflow - Automation - the need for a networked printing environment call for generic data files for Gravure & Offset. The networked printing environment requires a workflow with server data management. The changes forced upon our Industries through Desktop Publishing, today's methods of design and creation of adds, magazines, catalogs, insert or any other print-product layouts, the digital data process of text and images, proofing and high-speed transfer of information between any two or multiple locations, in-house and external, has impacted the way we need to work, more than anything else in the last decade. We doubt that anyone would argue, photography, PrePress for images and type, print-form manufacturing (Offset plates or Gravure cylinders) and printing are closer linked than ever before and need solutions to overcome the still existing data- software- or hardware incompatibilities, as it exists in today's world, where multiple sources provide and supply information. Our solution to this complex challenge was created by a team of experts from the fields of Software / Application / Publishing / Art Designers / Printers and Equipment Hardware Manufacturers, with the aim to provide one single process, irrespective of the final choice of the printing process, with the highest efficiency.

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