A Microcomputer-Based Ink Control System Using Infrared Detect Technology


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Ji-Charng Lee, Chien-Pen Chuang, Yu-cheng Liu, and M. James Shyu


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An automatic ink control system was developed with infrared measuring technique and microcomputer controlled stepping motor to improve the printing quality through the precise adjustment of the quality of ink on the ink roller. This study included: a). performance analysis of current ink control system on offset press, b). design and implementation of an infrared measuring device, c). testing and adjustment of this infrared measuring device, d). software programming, e). comparing and analyzing each result of Yellow, Magenta, Cyan and Black processed inks on IR tester and f). simulating the ink control process to improve the performance of microcomputer-based ink control system. An infrared LED was used as the light source and a photo-diode was used to pick up the signal reflected from the surface of the roller. It was then converted into digital signal through OPA and A/D converter for computer processing. The experiment results showed that the predefined color could be precisely controlled with this automatic ink control system.

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