Analyses of Dynamic Tools for Increasing Productivity, Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Six Graphic Arts and Media Companies


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Dorotea Slimani


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One study has shown that there is a direct connection between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction (Schneider and Bowen, 1991; Kaplan and Norton, 1996). Customers can be more satisfied and more loyal to an employee who deals with them personally than to the organisation as a whole, especially in such sectors as the graphic arts and media industry, which are highly dependent on the individual. Satisfied employees are employees who are likely to remain in the company. It is obvious that a high employee turnover has an impact on customers' perceptions of service quality, and customer satisfaction. The work environment, that is the sum of organisational, technical, economic and psychosocial conditions in which the work is carried out, can influence and increase employee satisfaction, thus leading to higher productivity and efficiency in performing work, and ultimately to the improvement of quality as a whole. Obviously, the state of working conditions is closely interconnected with customer satisfaction. It has been recognised that particular elements of work environment have a great influence on productivity, efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction. In this perspective, the study of six graphic arts and media companies has been carried out and nine major tools based on work environment elements have been analysed.

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