Optimisation of the News Process in Different Publishing Channels - A Case Study at Göteborgs-Posten


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Kristina Sabelström Möller and Stig Nordqvist


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Newspaper companies of today are increasingly publishing content in a number of different publishing channels in parallel. Most major companies are publishing content in print and on the Internet via the World Wide Web and different mobile channels, and some even operate radio and television stations. The decisions associated with news publishing have developed from deciding the layout of the newspaper and the placement of articles, to more complex decisions and evaluations on what content should be published in different channels and when. In this paper, we address the optimisation problem associated with news publishing in multiple channels with an analysis of a case study from a large Swedish morning newspaper. The analysis considers publishing characteristics such as the consumers' access to different publishing channels during the day, the technological boundaries for different publishing channels, what time of the day an event occurs and how much information can be gathered regarding the event.

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