The Effects of Gloss and Viewing Flare on Colour Appearance


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Tony Johnson and Julian Brarnmer


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In colour management it is often desirable to obtain matching colours across media which impart different gloss characteristics to the image. Furthermore, this matching is often assessed in situations in which there is a high degree of viewing flare. These factors impact colour appearance in a way that is difficult to measure with existing techniques of colorimetry. Recent studies undertaken in evaluating colour difference have suggested to us that this is particularly significant with dark colours. In order to improve prediction of matching colours in real viewing conditions it is necessary to be able to predict viewing flare - and the effects of this when comparing samples of differing gloss in these viewing conditions. This will enable modelling of a correction to colorimetric data to improve appearance predictions in such circumstances. A hypothesis for this model is presented - together with the results of some preliminary work to justify the need for it.

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