CSP Certification

Get Certified

Customer Service Professional (CSP) Certification Options

$295 Members
$495 Non-Members

Purchasing the Online Course Bundle provides one year of access to the Customer Service Professional eLearning courses in our iLearning Center. You will also receive access for one attempt to pass the certification exam. Instructions for access are included in an email provided after purchase. The bundle includes:

Course Modules:

  • Roles and Qualities for Customer Service Success
  • Customer Service in the Printing Industry
  • Print Manufacturing Concepts
  • Common Digital File Problems and Solutions
  • Communicating Color with the Client
  • Dealing with Dissatisfied Clients: Internal and External
  • Professional Communication

One attempt to pass the certification exam.


$95 Members
$195 Non-Members

Not everyone will pass the Customer Service Professional certification exam on the first try. Following the first exam, users receive a list of the questions answered incorrectly, making it easier to study for the re-test. This product provides access to the exam so a user can try again. Instructions for access to the exam are included in an email provided after purchase.
