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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
600175 LogEtronic Color Correction. Dwin R. Craig, John N. Street 1960 View
600185 Automatic Electronic Proofreader. E. R. Kramer, J. B. O'Maley 1960 View
600193 Dycriln Photopolymer Printing Plates - Technical Background. Harry E. Crawford 1960 View
600195 The Inkatron Automatic Ink Control System. Herbert L. Weiss, Tim Bryant, Ken Morris 1960 View
600203 New Developments and Trends in Lithography. Michael H. Bruno 1960 View
610001 Powderless Etching of Copper. Paul F. Borth, Marvin C. Rogers 1961 View
600095 Fiber Optics for Data Recording. N. S. Kapany 1960 View
600103 Estimating the Quality of Letterpress Printing Presses. Aage Froslev Nielsen 1960 View
600127 Theoretical Determination of Color Error. Irving Pobboravsky 1960 View
600151 Color Diagrams. Frank Preucil 1960 View
600157 Spectral Sensitivities for Color Separation. J. W. Gosling, J. A. C. Yule 1960 View
600171 Too Much Light in Our Eyes. Nelson W. Taylor 1960 View
600037 Universal Photogrammetric Electronic Rectifier. Samuel W. Levine, Leonard Seide, James Lipp 1960 View
600047 Drying of Overprinted Ink Films. Paul J. Hartsuch 1960 View
600055 Characteristics of Printing Ink Films. T. J. Craig 1960 View
600063 Printing Studies With Black Inks. J. J. Hammel, J. M. Fetsko, W. D. Schaeffer, A. C. Zettlemoyer 1960 View
600081 Measurement of Ink and Printing Qualities. Otto C. Stoessel, Jr. 1960 View
590227 The Guth Printing Plate. Erik R. Nielsen 1959 View
590233 Empirical Determination of Color Error. Warren L. Rhodes, Irving Pobboravsky, Richard N. Norman 1959 View
590243 Electronic Techniques for Analyzing Color Separation Errors. John S. Rydz 1959 View
600001 The Videograph - a New Approach to Electrostatic Printing. J. James Stone, Jr. 1960 View
600019 Fundamentals of Single-Solution Etching in Gravure. James M. Dugan 1960 View
600029 An Electronic Method of Development Control. H. B. Archer 1960 View
590177 Balanced Halftone Separations for Process Color. F. R. Clapper 1959 View
590191 Analysis of ROP Color Based on Equivalent Neutral Density Considerations. J. Todd McLane 1959 View
590203 Photographic Uses of Negative Color Materials. J. W. Gosling 1959 View
590213 Printability and Wearability. J. M. Dugan 1959 View
590219 The Effect of Rotogravure Cell Dimensions on Print Quality of Line Work and Solids. Robert V. Hershey 1959 View
590109 Tone-reproduction in Halflone-engraving. G. M. W. Laseur, H. Ter Haar, W. M. Du Pont 1959 View
590121 The Relation of the Contact Screen to Picture Quality. R. E. Maurer 1959 View