The Effect of Rotogravure Cell Dimensions on Print Quality of Line Work and Solids.


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Robert V. Hershey


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The rotogravure print quality of line work and solids is a function of the depth, bridge width, number of lines per inch, and general shape of the etched rotogravure cells. The ideal dimensions for these variables are dependent upon the stock being printed. A special printability cylinder was prepared containing ten different etches of a single piece of copy. This copy was selected to contain solids, fine type, and reverse type. Screens were selected and the etching controlled to produce a series of etches in which one of the above mentioned variables was varied at a time. Seven stocks, ranging from non-absorbent to highly absorbent, were printed with the cylinder on a production press under production conditions. The printed samples were evaluated by pressmen, proofers, ink makers, engravers, quality control personnel, and research and development personnel on four points: ink lay, color density, fine type, and reverse type. The results of this evaluation are discussed and graphs are shown which visibly show the effect of cell dimensions on print quality.

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