Education Award of Excellence

Honoring an outstanding academic educator and/or industry trainer in the graphic communications field.

Nominations are judged by a selection committee comprised of educators and individuals from the graphic communications industry. More consideration will be given to candidates who have made significant contributions to education and training that go beyond routine professional responsibilities.

The selection committee may recommend a Certificate of Recognition in lieu of an Award of Excellence. Selection committee decisions are final. Omissions of any necessary information will disqualify the submission.

Nominations must be received by December 31, 2019.

Why Nominate Someone?

Recognize those preserving the future of our industry. Education Award recipients join 30 years of notable printing educators and trainers, such as Larry Kroll, Thomas Schildgen, John Leininger, and Susan Kinney. An engraved plaque is presented to the recipient(s) to commemorate their accomplishments.

The presentation of the Education Awards of Excellence will take place in front of an impressive audience of academic educators, researchers, and other industry professionals at the TAGA Annual Technical Conference.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Educators from all academic levels and trainers in all segments of the printing industry are eligible.
  • The competition is not limited to the United States; educators of any nationality may enter.
  • Nominees do not have to be Printing Industries of America members.
  • Self-nominations are accepted. Previous winners are not eligible for a second award.

Nominations should be based on the following criteria:

  • A distinguished educational service provided as a direct result of the individual's leadership
  • A special education or training program that is attributed to the efforts of the individual
  • A significant educational project that was the result of the individual's efforts
  • A special display of graphic communications leadership at the local, state, or national level
  • A special educational or training accomplishment attributed to the individual
  • The candidate may be involved in one or more of the above, or there may be a unique situation or contribution that is not covered that warrants recognition.

How to Nominate Someone

  • Using the selection criteria as a guideline, provide a detailed description of the candidate's major contributions and/or significant accomplishments. Descriptions should be no longer than three pages.
  • Complete the nomination form.
  • You may include letters of support, a formal biographical description, or a resume for the candidate, but these items are not required.
  • Submit all required and supplemental material to:

Marketing Department
Printing Industries of America
301 Brush Creek Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7529
Fax: 412-741-2311

For more information, contact marketing [at]

Past Recipients

Academic Representative  Year Industry Representative
Dr. Erica Walker 2019 No Award Given
Dr. Anjan Kumar Baral 2018 No Award Given
Dr. Jerry Waite 2017 No Award Given
Penny Ann Dolan 2016 William Dirzulaitis
Michael DeAcosta 2015 No Award Given
Dan Wilson 2014 Kip Jarret
Julie Schildgen 2013 Mark Wendling
Art Lindauer 2012 Ray Rafalowski
Patrick Klarecki 2011 Prof. Dr. Rajendrakumar Anayath
Dennis Dougherty 2010 Katherine Gekker
Cheryl Licklider 2009 Charlie Benjamin
William Delgado 2008 Mark Barbour
John P. Santos 2007 Ron and Katherine Harper
R. Paul Foster 2006 Ara Izqueirdo
Dr. Benjamin L. Lee 2005 Larry Kroll
No Award Given 2004 No Award Given
No Award Given 2003 Daniel Johnson
No Award Given 2002 No Award Given
Gary Walton 2001 Jim Hopkins
Dr. Lenore Collins 2000 Carol Hurlburt
Dr. E. Lee Weir 1999 Ronald W. Hawks
Dr. Ervin A. Dennis 1998 Gary Benson
Thomas Schildgen 1997 Saul Edlein
Frank J. Romano 1996 Harold W. Gegenheimer
John Leininger 1995 Paul Dennis
Page Crouch 1994 Raymond J. Prince
Gary G. Field 1993 James E. Milslagle
Z.A. Prust 1992 Susan Kinney
Robert Chung 1991 Norman Fisher
Mark Sanders 1990 R. Cameron Hitchcock
Louis C. Generazzo 1989 Edward J. Kelly
J. Michael Adams 1988 Frank Lasiewski
Michael Stinnett 1987 Marvin Lester
Harvey R. Levenson 1986 Larry Hunt
Ronald Hindmarch 1985 Joseph J. Skatch
R. Dean Blomgren 1984 Margurete Fitzsimons
PDF icon 2019 Education Award Nomination Form213.98 KB