TQM as a Strategy for Waste Minimization.


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Robert Y. Chung and C. Nelson Ho


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Currently, many printing companies are busy implementing total quality management (TQM) practices while trying to keep up with rapidly changing environmental regulations. Yet, very few companies realize that the twin issues of TQM and environmental compliance are directly connected. In fact, the methods for management and improvement that comprise TQM can provide the printer with very effective strategies for achieving conformance to environmental requirements. This paper will clarify the TQM/environmental compliance relationship by demonstrating the influence that waste minimization can have on competitiveness and profitability. Core TQM practices such as cost of poor quality and poor quality prevention planning will be used to address environmental concerns. Specifically, a field survey of plate related cost of poor quality will be conducted. The analyses will show that (1) TQM is profitable when it is focused on defect prevention, especially when the prevention efforts are taken as far upstream in the processes as possible, and (2) when plate failures are reduced, wastes as well as pollution in the printing plant are also minimized and prevented. This paper will clarify the TQM/environmental compliance relationship by demonstrating the influence that waste minimization can have on competitiveness and profitability. Core TQM practices such as cost of poor quality and poor quality prevention planning will be used to address environmental concerns. Specifically, a field survey of plate related cost of poor quality will be conducted. The analyses will show that (1) TQM is profitable when it is focused on defect prevention, especially when the prevention efforts are taken as far upstream in the processes as possible, and (2) when plate failures are reduced, wastes as well as pollution in the printing plant are also minimized and prevented.

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