Architecture Model and Control Parameter Coding for Graphic Arts (AMPAC)


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Hiromichi Mishina and Larry Warter


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It is necessary to combine the various kinds of process parameters in production printing process such as design, material used in imaging process, platemaking, printing, post-printing, and some instructions for the operator. Freely exchanging these parameter data to all node in the production process for the printing industries may encourage much progress in constructing an economize and intelligent production system. ISO/TC130/WG2 is developing AMPAC standard in cooperation with Japanese IPTS working group for establishing exact and easy communication among various fields around printing production process. The purpose of this standard is to prepare a common information exchange base on a global scale that can be accessed freely as a world wide distributed database called AMPAC and can be used to control all parts of the process. This standard can be used in conjunction with other standards such as standardized workflow management systems and/or Digital Network Production System (DNPS). This paper shows the concept of AMPAC and some examples of its usage and also the recent developments in ISO/TC130/WG2. The basic idea and most interesting application of AMPAC for constructing intelligent printing system was presented at 1994 TAGA meeting.

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