Interactions Between Printing Ink Binders, Printing Ink Oils and Fountain Solutions


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Marie Wickman, Karin Hallstensson and Göran Ström
1995 Vol. 2


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This paper reports the effect of alkyd resin and surface active additives in fountain solution on the interfacial tension between the aqueous solution and a heat-set oil as well as on the emulsification of the aqueous solution into the oil. Data on the dynamic surface tensions of the aqueous solutions are also presented. Isopropyl alcohol, non-ionic surfactant and alkyd resin all had a strong influence on the interfacial tension, and the alkyd resin had a strong influence on emulsification and drop size. The lowest interfacial tension as well as the smallest water drop size were obtained with the most polar alkyd resin. This suggests that as the polarity of the alkyd increases the surfactant behavior of the alkyd also increases and the polymer orients in the interface with polar groups in the water and apolar segments in the oil. The alkyd resin then acts as an emulsifier and stabilizes the emulsion. Isopropyl alcohol, non-ionic surfactant and alkyd resin all had a strong influence on the interfacial tension, and the alkyd resin had a strong influence on emulsification and drop size. The lowest interfacial tension as well as the smallest water drop size were obtained with the most polar alkyd resin. This suggests that as the polarity of the alkyd increases the surfactant behavior of the alkyd also increases and the polymer orients in the interface with polar groups in the water and apolar segments in the oil. The alkyd resin then acts as an emulsifier and stabilizes the emulsion.

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