Production Chains and Networks of Electronic Printing


Document ID: 
Tapio Lehtonen, Helene Juhola, Asta Bèck, and Timo Siivonen
1995 Vol. 2


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The switch from the conventional mechanical printing production to new methods of digital printing entails profound changes in the production technology. The physical distribution of printed products will be partly replaced by information dissemination through networks and digital printing, and the information will be retrieved directly from computer databases. These are but some major changes brought by the new technologies. VTT Information Technology in Finland has launched comprehensive research activities to help the printing industry to analyze the risks and opportunities of the change-over to the new technologies. This paper discusses the aims and the first results of our research, with special emphasis on potential markets and products. Mathematical models and computer simulations shall be used to assess production performance and the economic possibilities of the new business chains. We also look into the verification of the results of theoretical computations by carefully selected laboratory demonstrations and experiments. This is the first progress report on the project that will continue for at least three years. This paper discusses the aims and the first results of our research, with special emphasis on potential markets and products. Mathematical models and computer simulations shall be used to assess production performance and the economic possibilities of the new business chains. We also look into the verification of the results of theoretical computations by carefully selected laboratory demonstrations and experiments. This is the first progress report on the project that will continue for at least three years.

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