Digital Multicolor Printing and Computer to... -Technologies Evolution or Revolution in the Graphic Arts Industry?


Document ID: 
Helmut Kipphan
1995 Vol. 1


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


The observation and analysis of the state of the art in the graphic arts industry regarding demands on high quality multicolor products - especially short run color, the automation and digitalization in all sections of the production flow for producing printing products (prepress, printing, postpress), the influence of novel printing technologies (the Non-Impact Printing Technologies) in the traditional commercial printer market leads to the questions: Is there a revolution in the graphic arts industry and is a survival battle running? The answer will be concluded on a technical and economical basis. Based on the description and comparison of conventional and NIP-technologies, the positioning of the several printing technologies regarding run length, print quality and total costs per sheet will be explained. Based on the description and comparison of conventional and NIP-technologies, the positioning of the several printing technologies regarding run length, print quality and total costs per sheet will be explained. Potential for improvements of the conventional printing technologies and an estimation for new products basing on direct imaging and NIP-technologies will be worked out. Computer to ... -technologies like computer to film, -to plate, -to press and -to print are defined and described in relation to the newest products. Especially an overview is presented with a description and comparison for the direct imaging computer to press/to print multicolor printing equipment which are launched and introduced in the market. All in all it will be shown that there are magnificent chances and challenges in the printing industry, a wide range for innovations and synergies is available.

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