Profile Model of Process for Intelligent System in Printing


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Hiromichi Mishina and Tomonori Yuasa


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The idea of CIM was recently introduced gradually in the printing factory. For getting successful results on CIM and growing to higher level of IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System) than CIM, it is required that any information about parameters controlling prepress instruments, press machine, drier and forming machine are accessible and can be handled by any machine element any time. This information consist of the various characteristics of original image and/or image data, and material used in the printing system, direction manuals and so on. This paper proposes a profile model of a system in which all characteristics parameter stated above are treated under same base. By using the proposed profile model, the computer controlling the printing process can obtain any parameter value or parameter linkage in order to calculate new parameter values for initial machine operation settings and holding a stable operation. The profile model proposed here has also great advantage for accumulation of technical knowledge. This paper proposes a profile model of a system in which all characteristics parameter stated above are treated under same base. By using the proposed profile model, the computer controlling the printing process can obtain any parameter value or parameter linkage in order to calculate new parameter values for initial machine operation settings and holding a stable operation. The profile model proposed here has also great advantage for accumulation of technical knowledge. If this profile model is standardized in world wide scale, the information about press machine control can be used commonly in the world. This would make a machine easy to connect another machine and/or machine element.

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