Virtual Reality Sheet Formation and Printing (Computer Program)


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Roger Danby and Alain Bouchard


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This presentation will use a computer to demonstrate a program which has been developed to evaluate, under controlled conditions, the relationship between the raw material fiber length and the hole size of the filtering media used to produce a sheet of paper. The resultant sheet has micro density differences the degree of which is directly dependent on fiber length and hole size. The Virtual Reality computer program produces density differences which are a close duplication of practical experience. The program further demonstrates the way in which these micro density differences influence the rate of printing ink penetration into the sheet which in turn has a direct affect on the quality of each halftone dot. Photographic evidence will also be presented to demonstrate how Print Gloss, Dot Gain, Print Through, and Set off are all influenced by the micro uniformity of the original sheet structure. The program further demonstrates the way in which these micro density differences influence the rate of printing ink penetration into the sheet which in turn has a direct affect on the quality of each halftone dot. Photographic evidence will also be presented to demonstrate how Print Gloss, Dot Gain, Print Through, and Set off are all influenced by the micro uniformity of the original sheet structure.

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