New Fractal Approach for the Characterization of Lithographic Plate Surface


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Jocelyne Roudet-Rouis


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The fractal dimension concept has already been applied with success to various groups of offset plates as a means of characterizing different surfaces and their corresponding treatments. The performance of this particular approach is reliable based upon the use of a new algorithm for fractal analysis calculated from stylus profilometer surface roughness measurements. The results obtained show that lithographic plates present fractal characteristics. The values of fractal dimension are higher that 1.5 and discriminate between plates. After a thorough discussion of the underlying concepts, we will apply them to the plate surface texture. Correlations of these results with information about treatment process of each plate surface will be pointed out. roughness measurements. The results obtained show that lithographic plates present fractal characteristics. The values of fractal dimension are higher that 1.5 and discriminate between plates. After a thorough discussion of the underlying concepts, we will apply them to the plate surface texture. Correlations of these results with information about treatment process of each plate surface will be pointed out.

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