Millennial Consumer Behavior with Mobile Technology


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Colleen Twomey, Dina Vees, Ashley Boehmer, and Jessica Dimulas


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This study analyzes how mobile technology and interaction with packaging potentially influence Millennial and Generation Z consumers' drive to purchase goods. The study was conducted in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and France in spring of 2018, and in the US during the fall of 2018 at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Four Hypotheses (H) were explored:

* H1 - Millennials/Generation Z's in the US and Europe prefer interactive packaging vs packaging with no interactivity (i.e. merely printed packaging)
* Conclusion: In Europe, these consumers did prefer interactive packaging over mere printed packaging, but in the US they did not.

* H2 - Millennials/Generation Z's in the US and Europe prefer Augmented Reality over Quick Response codes
* Conclusion: In Europe, these consumers did prefer Augmented Reality over Quick Response codes, but in the US they did not.

* H3 - Millennials/Generation Z's in the US and Europe prefer Near Field Communication over Augmented Reality
* Conclusion: In Europe, these consumers did not prefer Near Field Communication over Augmented reality, but in the US, they did.

* H4 - Millennials/Generation Z's in the US and Europe will purchase packaged products based on their experience of interactivity
* Conclusion: the data does not support a positive outcome for either geographic region.

These consumers do not think these technologies are sufficient to drive to a purchase, though in Europe, there was higher likelihood of using the technologies in store over the US.

The results of this study will have bearing on Consumer Goods Companies' focus on interactive packaging and the relevancy to drive consumers, specifically Millennials and Generation Z, to a purchase, or experience with the brand.

Disclaimer: This study aimed to answer some specific questions regarding Millennial and Generation Z consumer behavior for a specific product, but the results do not imply that these technologies (QR, NFC, and AR) are not an important part of consumer packaging and consumer engagement. There are many examples of how these technologies can be used to enhance the consumer experience with product instructions, food recipes, product payment, etc.

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