The Development of a Photopolymer Based Additive Manufacturing Process for Producing a Unique No-label Look Decoration Without a Laminated Face-stock


Document ID: 
Anthony Carignano


Digital, Non-Member: 
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Photo, Non-Member: 


Plastics are used in virtually every shape and form in our daily lives. They provide a lighter weight alternative to aluminum and glass. Plastics play a vital role in maintaining the shelf-life and safety of consumer products during transport and product storage. Over the past decade, consumer backlash has grown significantly over single-use plastic packaging encompassing both flexible and rigid structures. Increasingly aware of the scope of consumer product packaging pollution, governments in developed and emerging economies have introduced levies and bans to combat single-use plastic waste and limit its global transport as a commodity. The negative impact of improperly disposed of single-use plastics and their accumulation in marine and land environments has driven global brand owners towards a more critical assessment regarding the sustainability and recyclability of consumer product packaging in general.

Plastics, aluminum, and glass in the form of materials used for rigid containers all use some prime labeling system to call attention to the product and inform the consumer of its ingredients. If improperly designed, prime labels can present high cost of ownership challenges concerning waste and recyclability.

This paper will provide an overview of Crystal decorating technology for narrow web prime label applications. Crystal decorating chemistry, hardware, and carrier film selections will be discussed. The paper will describe how Crystal's unique product and manufacturing process could conceptually provide near-zero waste to landfill for printers/converters and the ability to decorate at lower caliper than extruded films. The paper will then discuss Crystal decorating application performance attributes. References will be made comparing the performance and appearance of Crystal decorating to "No-Look" pressure sensitive labeling used for rigid container decoration.

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