A Study of the Relationship between LCD Color Properties and CMS Profile Performance


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M. James Shyu


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LCD monitors are gaining popularity in the desktop publishing environment. However, the material and technology differences cause LCD monitors to have different color properties from CRT monitors. Meanwhile, ICC profile specification includes a three-component matrix-based display profile assuming that the CRT monitor can be characterized using a GOG model. Yet it is not clear whether the same profile structure would be applicable to LCD monitors. Two different LCD monitors were tested with three different characterization methods. The characterization results from ICC profiling, 3x4 model and 3x11 model we re compared and analyzed. It was concluded that the 3x11 model is needed to characterize the tested LCD monitors better. The 3x4 mo del had a similar performance to the three-component matrix-based ICC profile. A more complicated profile structure like multidimensional lookup table tags may be needed to characterize the LCD monitors given their color properties.

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