Identifying the Competence Requirements for Human Capital at Different Types of Digital Printing Companies - Case studies at Graphic Arts Companies in Sweden and Greece


Document ID: 
Anastasios E. Politis, Lic.Tech


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


The installation of digital printing presses and systems for traditional companies involved in the field of Graphic Arts causes significant changes in the production workflow and organizational structure of these companies.

One important aspect to be considered regarding this development is if those employees working with digital printing need to learn new skills and/or update the skills they already possess. Recent surveys conclude that for those working with digital printing, there most certainly exists a need to redefine the human capital needed (competence and other requirements) in order be successful and effective in this field.

Research on digital printing installations has revealed that digital printing presses and systems are operating at three main types of companies: Pre-press companies, printing works, and copy shops - companies working with photocopying.

The aim of this paper is to examine if there exist differences among the employees of these types of companies with regards to existing competence and experience.

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