Runnability in Digital Package Printing


Document ID: 
Veronica Gidl


Digital, Non-Member: 
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Photo, Non-Member: 


Digital printing is a fast growing technology and several paper qualities have already been developed for this application. Digital package printing is on the other hand a rather new area, but a probable prediction is that there soon will be a market need for board products that can be used for digital printing. Because of future requirements, it is very important for the packaging industry to gain knowledge about the interaction between the substrate and the press, especially when it comes to runnability. This study reports on a runnability test on five different highly topical print units and ten different substrates. The print units were based on both electrophotographic technology and liquid toner technology and all printers except two were sheet fed. In order to attain a broad study, three different types of board were used; coated liquid packaging board, craft paper for sacks and coated graphical board and finally a commercial paper for digital printing as benchmark. Results shows that sheet fed printers have a low acceptance for curl and deformed sheets. Well cut sheets, right thickness and opacity is also very important in this context. When it comes to runnability in the web fed printer, problems often occurs in the cutting unit.

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