Describing Device Capabilities in JDF


Document ID: 
Rainer Prosi


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The CIP4's Job Definition Format (JDF) specification, released in the spring of 2001, provides a method for exchanging data descriptions of print jobs. A print job can be described from a customer's point of view as the description of a product or a set of products, and can be described from a printer's point of view as a set of process steps that are executed to produce a product. By describing the capabilities of the devices that produce the job, JDF enables systems to combine these two views of a job in a consistent way. Dr. Prosi will present a device-description syntax based on JDF. Dr. Prosi's presentation is based on current discussions within the CIP4 Device Capabilities Working Group, which is considering extending the JDF specification by adding a device-description syntax as will be presented. Note: This manuscript was not received in time for publication in the 2002 TAGA Proceedings.

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