Evaluation of a Method for Correcting for Measurement Errors Caused by Adjacent Colors


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David L. Spooner


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At the TAGA 2000 and 2001 annual meetings, the author presented papers which illustrated that colored areas adjacent to calibration proof elements being measured can induce color measurement errors. The magnitude of these errors varied with the size of the area being measured and the location of the adjacent colors. It was concluded h m a modeling of the physical makeup of the instrument and media that lateral diffusion of light within the substrate (e.g. paper) was most likely the principle cause of the measurement error. At the 1999 annual TAGA meeting, the author presented a paper which described a method of correcting reflectance/color measurement errors caused by lateral diffusion of light within the sample. A further refinement of this method was reported in a paper presented at the 2000 SPE-RETEC Color and Appearance meeting. The present paper reviews the previous work and examines the applicability of the lateral diffusion e m correction method for d o n of errors caused by adjacent colored areas. To accomplish this test, the single color bandpass optical bench breadboard instrument used for the 1999 measurement study was upgraded to give corrected 35 wavelength spectral reflectance measurements. Exhibits similar to those used in the 2000 and 2001 studies will be measured using this upgraded instrument and the results are reported.

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