Printing in a Digital World.


Document ID: 
Michael H. Bruno
1995 Vol. 2


Digital, Member: 
Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


TAGA and IARIGAI are two associations in the printing industry that publish technical information in the form of proceedings of their technical conferences. The acceleration of changes in the industry predicted by papers and reports in the conference proceedings of both associations have finally occurred as demonstrated by most of the exhibits at DRUPA 95. Four megatrends characterize printing in the digital world: (1) digital color imaging, (2) digital printing, (3) thermal press stabilization, and (4) environmental considerations. These major trends are driven by developments in scanners; digital cameras; FM screening; digital color proofing; dry films; platesetters; computer-to-plate, computer-to-press, and computer-to-print systems; digital plates; digital presses; waterless printing; temperature controlled inking; control and predictability of printing on press by temperature control of side frames; ink/water wash-up system to reduce VOCs in printing; short run color and on-demand printing. Also shown are the effects these trends have on the distribution of printing by process. Four megatrends characterize printing in the digital world: (1) digital color imaging, (2) digital printing, (3) thermal press stabilization, and (4) environmental considerations. These major trends are driven by developments in scanners; digital cameras; FM screening; digital color proofing; dry films; platesetters; computer-to-plate, computer-to-press, and computer-to-print systems; digital plates; digital presses; waterless printing; temperature controlled inking; control and predictability of printing on press by temperature control of side frames; ink/water wash-up system to reduce VOCs in printing; short run color and on-demand printing. Also shown are the effects these trends have on the distribution of printing by process.

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