A New Gamut Mapping Approach Involving Lightness, Chroma and Hue Adjustment.


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Robert Y.C. Wei, M. James Shyu, and Pei-Li Sun


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Gamut mapping is the method used to optimize the appearance of images reproduced between media. To obtain the optimum solution for the color gamut mapping, the effect of the variations in terms of lightness(L), chroma(C), and hue(H) were studied. There has been an exploration of keen interest in the effects of lightness and chroma adjustment considered as the determinants of color gamut mapping by many studies. However, little attention has been given to the effect of the hue adjustment. The present study was to investigate the effects of chroma, lightness and hue adjustment in color gamut mapping to the accuracy of color appearance between hard-copy images reproduced using different imaging devices. Conclusions from this study are as follows: 1) slight hue adjustment on color gamut mapping was acceptable; 2) the image dependent models were preferable than the image independent models; 3) the interactions among the color appearance model (color space), tone reproduction function, L/C compression ratio, and color mapping direction had significant influence on the results of the color reproduction. With supplement analysis and experiments, a new approach for color gamut mapping was derived and tested between hard-copy images.

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