Tomorrow’s Commercial Print Shop Today: 6 Trends Shaping the Industry

Tomorrow’s Commercial Print Shop Today: 6 Trends Shaping the Industry

Content provided by Kodak

The commercial printing market is experience steady growth; since January 2018, sales in the commercial printing industry have increased 9.1% compared to 2011, totaling $84 billion according to Idealliance. This growth has spurred the rise of new technologies to meet the demands from print buyers, leading to a rapid change in how commercial printers will operate in the future.

While the long-term impact of some of today's industry-wide changes--like new technologies, shrinking turnaround times, and the demand for shorter and more customized runs--won't be known for years to come, we can evaluate how commercial printing shops should respond today, what technologies they should adopt to increase efficiency during the prepress workflow in print production process, and what challenges are needed to successfully navigate to keep pace with the competition.

In our free Ebook, "Tomorrow's Print Shop Today: 6 Trends Shaping the Commercial Printing Industry," we look at the 6 trends shaping the future for commercial printers and discuss the new innovations that brand owners can utilize to grow in the years ahead.


  1. Digital, Analog and Wide-Format: Working Side by Side
  2. Managing the Complexity of Specialty Inks
  3. The Quest for Sustainability
  4. Going Green: What It Means, How to Get There
  5. Emerging Data Security Mandates
  6. Does Your Company Have These Certifications?
  7. Workflow Automation Hits Its Stride

Download our free Ebook to learn more about the top trends for commercial printers and how you can utilize the latest innovations to grow your brand.