Colorimetric Variation (COLVA) of ICC Color Rendering Intents (CRI) on the Digital Color Output in a Color Managed Workflow (CMW)


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Dr. H. Naik Dharavath, Dr. Byron Anderson, Mr. Joshua Erickson


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The purpose of this experiment was to determine the influence of applied ICC color rendering intents in the overall color reproduction in a Color Management Workflow (CMW). The experiment analyzed the application of four ICCspecified color rendering intents (absolute, perceptual, relative, and saturation intents) on the digital color output. The data contained in this report is the result of an experiment that was conducted to test an accepted color management practice to gain a greater understanding of the presumptions associated with the application of rendering intents.

The experiment examined the four ICC color rendering intents as independent groups (K = 4) using a one-way  Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with equal n's method (at a = 0.05) to determine the significant colorimetric variation (COLVA) between the (K = 4, n = 15, and N = 60) group means (averages) color deviations of these intents. With four rendering intents (groups, K = 4), a one-tailed, non-directional hypothesis was established. The conclusions of this study are based upon an analysis of the COLVA by ANOVA test data and associated findings. The data from the  ANOVA revealed significant differences in the color deviation of the reproduction among the multiple ICC color rendering intents (CRI). The colorimetric data produced by the experiment suggests that selection of a rendering intent is an important activity in a CMW as it relates to obtaining accurate output colors for a desired use/purpose.

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