VDP on Packaging - Elementary Velocity Study on Inkjet-printed Papers for Corrugated Board Production


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Marcus Rehberger, Astrid Odeberg Glasenapp, Jonas Örtegren


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The idea of the "HybSpeed Printing" Project at Innventia AB is to facilitate the combination of a conventional printing process with inkjet printing, in-line, in the converting process. Inkjet print is "the" printing technique for adding variable data to a conventional printed layout (van Daele, 2005). It is already available, but the current processes do not guarantee high-quality print at high speed, but the constant progress in inkjet technology will mean that this is soon provided. The aim of the present project is to evaluate the practicability of attaining high-quality variable-data print (VDP) at high speed.

In 2008, an exploratory test was conducted on a Kodak Versamark DP5240 in Ornsoldsvik, Sweden, in cooperation with the Digital Printing Centre (DPC). As already mentioned, speed is probably the greatest issue facing the inkjet system. Flexo presses, for example, are running at a speed of 1000-1500 fpm, but the maximum speed of the inkjet test rig at DPC is 1000 fpm (5.08 m/s). Hence, this inkjet unit almost achieves the minimum requirements in speed. The question is how does the inkjet print quality at maximum speed differ from that at lower

The results reveal that speed has a slight influence on the print quality and that the line thickness and print density can be compensated for by changing the print layout. To minimize the line raggedness at high speed, other counter-measures have to be considered. However, the choice of paper had a greater influence and
these issues are also discussed.

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