A Digital Proofing Study for Taiwan


Document ID: 
Dr. Yung-Cheng Hsieh, Miss. Yu-Ju Wu, and Mr. Charles C. Y. Chang


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


In the digital era, countries all over the world devote time to digitize their cultural treasures and heritage. By the means of digitalization, human can preserve and utilize critical cultural heritage. In the process of digitalization, operators would like to output the digital files of artworks to preserve cultural treasures. Thus, the duplication and printing of the digital files for artworks have become a new business in recent years in Taiwan. For printers, it is an excellent opportunity to expand their business to provide service for the digital archive industry because of the increasing needs of the market and advanced development in digital proofing technology. In Taiwan, high-end (large-format) inkjet printers are the most widely used devices in printing industry to meet all requirements for printing high-quality images. Unfortunately, the industry does not have color attribute specifications and assessment standards to follow. Therefore, establishing a set of color attribute specification of digital proofing to provide Taiwan's digital archive program with a reference for quality assessment is the main purpose of this study.

This study was an experimental research in nature to investigate the characteristics of digital proofing industry. The construction of digital color specifications could assist printers to meet digital archive industry's requirements for high-quality images reproduction in a very efficient and effective fashion. Furthermore, the practical specifications could be incorporated into assessment processes as an evaluate mechanism to guarantee the digital files output of Taiwan's digital archive program could reach the required quality levels.

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