The Optical Properties of IMD Film


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C. O. Phillips, E. H. Jewell, T. C. Claypole and D.T. Gethin


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The application of graphics to three dimensional formed products such as mobile phones, car fascias and electronic goods increasingly makes use of in mould decoration (IMD). This allows the graphics to be printed on flat sheets prior to forming. Changes in the visual properties of the printed film occur during forming, often to the detriment of quality of the graphics. In order to distinguish the visual changes from each component, the film must first be studied in isolation. The visual changes can be attributed both to the temperature and strain applied to the film during forming. A study has been undertaken into the suitability of various methods for measuring the optical properties of IMD films. Following on from this an experimental study of the optical properties of IMD films after heating and deformation under controlled conditions has been undertaken. This has highlighted key parameters and mechanisms, which contribute towards these quality failures.

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