Customised Information on Packaging


Document ID: 
Magnus Viström


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


Customised information on packaging could give the consumer a higher product value. Individualised instructions or customised marketing messages based on a customer profile can be an efficient way of increasing the value of a product. Using digital printing it is possible to produce tailored editions of packaging for different regions or separate versions for each supermarket. Theoretically, it is possible to individualise every single packaging. Hence, the use of digital printing makes it possible to offer products in new ways. However, it is necessary to consider carefully the pros and cons. Legal, ethical and economical issues may counterbalance the possible benefits. This paper presents a study, based on qualitative research and interviews with several Swedish companies within the food and the pharmaceutical industries in Sweden. The study highlights many potential benefits of customised information, but at the same time the results indicate that legal, ethical and economical issues are critical factors. The study provides a basis for further research, including end-user usability tests and workflow analysis for producing packaging with customised information.

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