Cost-Competitive, Short-Run, Narrow-Web Rotogravure for Publications


Document ID: 
K. K. Puri


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The rotogravure printing process is dominant in high-circulation magazines, mail-order catalogues, newspaper weekend supplements as well as advertising leaflets, packaging, and specialty products; because of its "Traditional Advantages" in cost, quality, and delivery. There are only three publication rotogravure printers in the USA and Canada!

Recent, yet proven, advances in both hardware and software-digital Pre-press, engraving and galvanic; Press-A totally integrated automation in controls and drives of a narrow-web press; finishing in-line with zone changes and personalization have created new market opportunities for gravure printing requiring lower entry level investment for a new start-up.

The paper attempts to establish innovative approaches to further enhance the colour reproduction quality on the lowest cost of paper and board; in marketing new products to assist a client's global needs with shorter runs and short lead times. The paper attempts to add value to the importance of print industry and a boom to the suppliers for Offset, Gravure, and Flexo consumables: press, engraving and finishing equipment manufacturers as well as the dynamic software industry for continuous improvements not only for G-7 countries but also for Brazil, China, India, Australia, and New Zealand.

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