Hi-Fi Soft Proofing Using DLP


Document ID: 
Daniel Nyström


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The recent development of more sophisticated color management systems and better display technologies has opened the door for soft proofing. For accurate color reproduction, when simulating the appearance of printed images on displays, the gamut of the display must totally enclose that of the print. Hi-Fi printing technologies, using more than four inks, usually have a gamut that exceeds that of conventional three-primary displays. A multiprimary system, using more than three primary colors and introducing Hi-Fi color to displays, could provide a superior gamut and a more accurate color reproduction. A new type of projectors, based on Digital Light Processing technology, uses a single light source and a filter wheel with transmissive color filters for color reproduction. Together with high contrast and good optical efficiency, this indicates the potential for DLP technology in multiprimary systems. A sixprimary system could be obtained by modifying the filter wheel, using six carefully selected color filters for the primaries. To evaluate the potential for DLP technology in multiprimary systems, the colorimetric performance of a projector has been measured and evaluated. The characteristics of the projector has been used to select new filters for the primary colors, using the volume of the gamut in CIELUV color space as performance criterion. The filters found optimal has been measured together with the projector, yielding a significantly expanded gamut. The results confirm the potential of using multiprimary DLP systems for soft proofing, with the ability to improve the colorimetric performance and accuracy.

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