Using UML to Create a Color Management System


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Yui-Liang Chen, Mei-Chun Lo, and Chih-Chieh Yu


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In the past decade, Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become one of the most powerful modeling tools to analyze and design computer systems in the computer specialists' world. However, the experts interested in Color Management System (CMS) lack of such consensus about modeling tools, therefore much redundant work was repetitively done by redesigning and recoding CMS again and again. Until now, there is no complete system analysis and system design of CMS using any modeling tools. Nevertheless, UML is very useful for end-users and computer specialists to communicate with each other by some visual ways. It is also very powerful to rebuild and update the associated system by some forward engineering methods. The goal of this research was to analyze and design an ICC-based CMS using UML. The following works had been accomplished:

  • To describe the behavior of CMS as seen by its end users, analysts, and tester in Use Case View.
  • To provide the vocabulary of CMS and its solution to end users in Design View.
  • To address the performance, scalability, and throughput of the CMS in Process View.
  • To manage the configuration of CMS releases made up of independent components and files to produce a running CMS in Implementation View.
  • To form the CMS's hardware topology on which the system executes in Deployment View.

Finally, we built a demonstrated CMS and verify its workability by using Java codes.

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