Cross-Media Colour Management via the Internet


Document ID: 
Yui-Liang Chen, Ted Qingying Wen, Mei-Chun Lo and Chih-Chieh Yu


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In recent year, the need of high performance computer is being increased and with the development of these high performance computers and communication networks, people can send their information to others or can obtain information from others via Internet or other kinds of information networks. Among these information, image data play an important role and take great part of the information. However, due to device dependency and dissimilar environment, people can't assure whether the image they get from network has the same colour as the original one or not. The goal of this research was to develop a general methodology for colour management of pictorial images across media via the Internet. The following works had been accomplished: 1.Definition of a reference colour space, CIELAB for accurate colour rendition. 2.Derivation of device characterisation models for a monitor, a scanner, and a printer. 3.Development of an image-dependent gamut-mapping strategy. This strategy employs image reproduction principles based on the input image data present. The strategy utilizes contrast-boosting lightness resealing, followed by chroma-scaling procedures. 4.Application of tone or gamut-expansion using the concepts of the tone and gamut-compression procedures. Tone/gamut expansion was approached as the inverse problem of tone/gamut compression. The tone/gamut-expansion functions were generated by inverting the gamut-compression functions. 5.Implementation of a client/server application prototype of a cross-media colour management model on the Intemet using Java Servlet technology.

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