A New Concept for Managing and Distributing Real Time Content in Newspaper Products


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Jonas Rehn and Christopher Rosenqvist


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Despite the newspaper companies' strength in selecting and presenting information in a survey able manner, its editorial, manufacturing and distribution processes are rigid and connected to high costs. On the other hand, this is an effect of the newspaper specification, which is aimed to serve a large heterogeneous reader group. However, such a specification does not correspond to future demands for personalized news and effective resource utilization. In this paper we introduce a new concept for managing and distributing real-time content in a newspaper product. It will automatically generate individualized products with possible real time updates of content and advertisements. This is feasible since the content modules (text, images, illustration) and advertisements are designed-to-fit directly into the templates, which eliminates time for editing and are then printed directly with digital presses. In addition, the distribution cost is substantially reduced, since the manufacturing is geographically located within an event, e.g. festival or conference. We argue that this system combines the benefits of traditional newspapers and the current demand for real-time news and resource utilization.

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