Design of High Resolution Digital Camera for Pre-Press Applications


Document ID: 
Stephen Noble and Ken Parulski


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


This paper describes a family of 6.3 Megapixel digital cameras. The technology, features, and professional photography applications of these cameras will be presented. The family includes three different models, the Kodak Professional DCS 460 digital camera, the Kodak Professional EOS-DCS1 digital camera, and the Kodak Professional DCS 465 digital camera back. The DCS 460 and EOS-DCS 1 cameras utilize Nikon N90s and Canon EOS1n professional 35 mm camera bodies, respectively. The DCS 465 camera back can be used with numerous medium and large format camera systems. The cameras are designed for portability and photographic versatility. The internal battery allows an average of 150 exposures per charge, and the battery can be recharged in as little as one hour. The PCMCIA interface is compatible with Type III-ATA removable disk drives. The integral SCSI interface allows quick connection and image download to a host computer. Voice annotation is provided for image documentation purposes. The DCS 460 and EOS-DCS 1 cameras are built on familiar professional 35 mm film camera bodies, and are compatible with the entire suite of lenses and other accessories offered by Nikon and Canon. The DCS 465 camera back incorporates a universal mounting system, developed by Eastman Kodak Company, which has been adopted by Hasselblad, Mamiya, Sinar, Toyo, and others. The imaging technology used in the cameras allows for single exposure color image capture. The single-shot color capability, using 6.3 million pixels, provides a system that has tremendous versatility in a variety of photographic situations. The cameras can be used as a direct replacement for film in applications, such as commercial and catalog photography, when immediate access to the image in digital form is desired. All three cameras use the Kodak Digital Science(tm) KAF-6300 Image Sensor. This device has been optimized for producing still images.

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