Printing Simulator.


Document ID: 
Nobuaki Usui and Atsushi Imamura
1995 Vol. 2


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Recently soft proofing, i.e., display methods used to simulate printed images on a monitor, has come into use as a means or technique to preview color pages. This report describes a new method to render and display printed pieces realistically on a monitor based on the spectral data of light reflected from printed material to be simulated. This means of image simulation on a monitor takes into account both the specular reflection, and the body reflection components. The reflected light is modeled by extending the Standard Phong Model which is typically used for rendering computer graphics. We call this model the Extended Phong Model. Furthermore, this report presents a method to verify the applicability of the Extended Phong Model to color reproduction produced via the conventional offset printing process. Superior results have been achieved by applying this new model to the primary solid process colors (i.e., cyan, magenta, yellow and black), and their gradations. Also the secondary solid colors (i.e., various colors produced by overlaying two kinds of ink among the four process inks mentioned above) and their gradations (i.e., various colors produced by overlaying two kinds of halftone dots corresponding to two of the process inks among the four). Furthermore, this report presents a method to verify the applicability of the Extended Phong Model to color reproduction produced via the conventional offset printing process. Superior results have been achieved by applying this new model to the primary solid process colors (i.e., cyan, magenta, yellow and black), and their gradations. Also the secondary solid colors (i.e., various colors produced by overlaying two kinds of ink among the four process inks mentioned above) and their gradations (i.e., various colors produced by overlaying two kinds of halftone dots corresponding to two of the process inks among the four).

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