Reproduction Characteristics of Computer-to-Plate Imaging Systems


Document ID: 
Anthony P. Stanton
1995 Vol. 1


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


A series of press tests were performed at GATF during January 2-6, 1995 from plates generated by various computer-to-plate (CTP) systems. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the reproduction characteristics of the laser imaged printing plates. The study was undertaken on behalf of the GATF members to inform prospective purchasers of CTP systems of the capabilities and concerns of this new technology. The study also provides methodology and test instruments that can be used in individual evaluation of these systems The GATF Digital Test Form was used for this study since it provides a variety of demanding targets that reveal crucial aspects of the CTP systems. The GATF Digital Test Form was used for this study since it provides a variety of demanding targets that reveal crucial aspects of the CTP systems. Participants are identified in this report only by code letters. The manufacturers, identified in Table 1, entered into the study with the precondition of anonymity. It would be unfair to pass judgment on a CTP system on the basis of a single test.

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